The Daemons of Chaos, known also as the Legions of Chaos, the Arch-Enemy, the Great Beast, or simply just Daemons (not to be confused with other kinds of daemons) are malevolent, otherwordly entities born from the deepest and darkest emotions of all mortal creatures. Ī horrific Daemon Banner depicting a snarling daemon within an 8-pointed Star, the unifying symbol of Chaos. And in these final days, the world shall die to make way for the new, the beautiful, and the ever-changing.' - The Legions of Chaos, extracted from the Tome of Corruption.
And when they speak, all will bow before their might. And what they touch will wither to dust and blow away. And wherever they tread, the ground will blacken. ' And so when Sigmar’s crown is sundered, his hammer shattered, and his divinity revealed as the mockery that it is, the Legions of Chaos will pour forth from their womb far to the north.